Originally posted by BooRadley
...the Asians came along. They were mistreated, and the subject of many stereotypes, but they didn't publically denounce the current social structure. Instead, they've learned English and became fully functional and sucessful members of American society, even while retaining some of their own culture.
Try telling that to the Asians in California who cannot vote because the ballots are only in English and they cannot read the names.
Originally posted by BooRadley
Now, we have a recent influx of Mexicans, and the majority of first generation American citizens are coming into age. They have went far and wide into the country, and have struggled with abject poverty and lack of english education in efforts to lead a better life. They are hard working, and many of them are illegals, but they know it and don't try to abuse the system. They just want a better life for their families, and are working for it.
Wouldn't you say that the fact that they are illegal is an abuse of the system? Also, working bottom of the rung jobs that no White will do is not an integration into all of society, it is scraping off the bottom.
Originally posted by BooRadley
This brings me back to African Americans... ...How is the white conspiracy enslaving them?
No, Black Americans are not being enslaved, but they are oppressed. It is not an intentional oppression by any single White American (at least not in most cases), but there are social structures that promote the oppression of Blacks. It is these structures that are dividing Black and White America, as well as other ethnic groups.
Originally posted by BooRadley
Corporate America doesn't hate black people, they hate lazy people. They hate unproductive members of a capitalist society.
Bill Cosby knows this. That is why he pushes for education and adaptation to our current society. Intelligent and responsible members of any cultural group will go far. There aren't as many limitations as what people think.
You are making my point here, at least until the last sentence. It takes education and adaptation to rise above the trap many minorities find themselves in. However, what do you do when there are no educational or adaptational options available? I would say that there are more limitations than what most people (on the top) think.