Originally posted by JayRock
I think most of you are missing the main reason why griffey is always hurt....the sauce! As a minor league player myself I can tell you first hand that injuries as freak as Griffey's (minus the seperated shoulder) are due to the sauce( aka roids). He's finally off the juice and look whats happening. Hes returning to old form instead of worrying about how big/strong he is. Its not coz hes in the NL or anything like that coz The Great American Ballpark is a launching pad. Baseball Tonight/Espn/Peter Gammons always say its poor training, no stretching, freak accident whatever, they say that coz they have to, they cannot talk about him on roids because thats taboo and considered unprofessional.
He will be a formitable threat for all-time homeruns if he stays the way he is. Hes still young and still has the tools.
I think "the sauce" may be a valid point for some players but I'm not convinced it is for Griffey. As a minor league player I'm sure you have innumerous insights into the ins and outs of baseball but unless you can show me who has taken it and who hasn't I can't accept your "sauce" point to explain Griffey's injury propensity. Indulge me for a minute.... if we assume Griffey is on the juice and that's the reason for his injury ridden career, then who else can we point to as being in the same predicament. Certainly Big Mac with his back problems, Canseco has already admitted to using, ad nauseum. I think you would agree it's all speculation at this point as to who has and who hasn't used performance enhancing drugs in baseball. Neither of us has proof as to any positive drug tests so can I stipulate that the only way we as outsiders can even assume one is on steroids is to look at change in physiques? I'm discounting, maybe incorrectly, the overall increase in physical abilities of baseball players over the last 10 years. I feel this is due to more competition to break into the big leagues which causes initially bigger and stronger and faster athletes turning to baseball or being groomed for it out of necessity for a better chance to make it. Anyway, I have seen numerous players with substantially more differences in size from rookie to present day/ final playing size than Grif. For instance let's take Barry Bonds' case. He is an absolute monster from his rookie day to now. Did he lift weights? Absolutely. But if I am to assume Griffey did as well, I just don't see a comparative correlation between the increased muscle mass from beginning to end and performance enhancement. Both were fantastic players from the get go. I see the gradual increase in ability from the synergy of experience and natural talent in both. I just don't see any of the substantial physical mass increase element in Griffey . I'm not saying yor wrong, incorrect, or misinformed. I'm just saying if everything is presumptive at this point as to drug users, at least give me something for me to look more at your argument that Griffey's predisposition is due to his steroid use and not his all-out style of play.