Originally posted by stroke9413
I constantly refresh ESPN's game update pages during baseball games when I can't watch them on tv.
Have you seen MLB.com's GameDay?
It allows you to "watch" a game over the Internet, in that it loads a webpage, and updates stats, pitch locations, and more. It is all done on a webpage like interface, and it kind of hard to explain.
It is really nice, and if you haven't checked it out, I recommend at least giving it a shot.
When a game is in progress, just go to
MLB.com's Scoreboard. You will then see a link above the individual games that reads "GameDay" or something along those lines. It is the far-right link atop the game score.
If there were a game in progress now, I could send you a more direct link, but there isn't so they don't have any links available currently.
CBS Sportsline and Yahoo also have similiar "online coverage" but I like MLB.com's the most.
They are all free, and only required Shockwave or Java to view. If you do check it out, or need more help getting it to work, just let me know.