Originally posted by Moobie
I too have thought about this particular subject, I wouldn't do it. Regardless of the different versions of the teleporter. Losing consciousness during sleep is one thing, atomizing your self is something completely different. And frankly it's just not natural.
But think of the possibilities/perversions. What if somebody could intercept the transmission and make a copy of it? Then reformulate another version of you. What would happen if you could do this to world leaders? Or for interrogation purposes? Imagine training one super soldier and then making a million copies of that one guy.
What if you couldn't make copies of people because of the quantum factor, that would mean someone would be able to digitally kidnap you, reroute the feed to someplace else. And poof, you don't end up where you were supposed to be going. Or even if they couldn't make a copy of you, they would be able to make a non conscious mock-up of your though processes and memories, at the time of digitization.
You bring up some good points to do with the possibilities of abuse and the various ethical probelms with the machine. I was not really considering this angle when I made the poll. I was thinking more along the lines of peoples attitudes towards self, mind and consciousness.
As with any new technology, we would reap massive benefits, but at the price of taking the risk of the possibility of abuse. But taking into account such details are a
tiny bit premature, given that such a machine is entirely impossible at the present time and probably forever.
Regardless, we can add an extra caveat to the question, that there is sufficient safeguards in place to avoid the possibility of highjacking your signal (one million bit encryption?). Also we can assume that we do not know enough about the operation of the brain to actually iterpret the scan, only to blindly copy the pattern, so no modification or mind reading.
Could you imagine the possibilites for direct marketing....