Originally posted by brianna
couldn't this also happen post marriage? no commitment comes with a garentee.
Well, aside for the simple fact that post marriage you are at least committed to spend the rest of your lives together and pre-marriage you're not, there's also the fact that, especially in cases such as his own from what I can gather, it would take a hell of a lot to break up a marriage. Frankly, people today get divorced far too easily and quickly without trying to work things out (yes, I know, it's a sweeping generalization, too bad) - the point is before he gets married they are not committed to each other for the rest of their life and afterwards they are. When they make that committment they have no intention of ever breaking it or even contemplating it, whereas beforehand the possibility is open, hence why people don't get married right away.
EDIT: apparently I can't spell marriage - made a typo on it 3 times