I already went through my graduation ceremony recently and it went like this:
Principal's speach was about twenty minutes long and waas all about Golf, I kid you not. It felt like it would never end.
Validicotian: shorter speach about how we must aspire as young adults.
Soluditorian: I really wasn't paying attention anymore...
Class President: Got my attention back with her speach. Although this is not surprising.. She was voted class clown. She reminded us of how we all worked together to stuff 30,000 plastic spoons into the ceiling tiles down the band room hallway. And no one understood that but our class and the administration, everyone else was quite in the dark.
After all that we received our deploma's and one member of our class shot everyone with silly string, he was taken aside to talk to after wards.
It feels good to be out of there.
Your part is silent you little toad - a line from the new phantom of the opera