Originally posted by Derwood
I think it's very easy to argue against gay marriage when you are straight and already have the privelage.
I have been keeping up with this thread for quite some time, and decided that I might as well join the fun
Derwood, you are exactly right. It is far easier to deny someone something if you currently have the right to do something, and they currently don't.
For those of you arguing that gay marriage goes against "tradition" ... I'll agree with you. Gay marriage certainly does go against
recent tradition. However, so did Women's Rights, Desegregation, Freeing the slaves.... well, you get the point.
However, as "tradition" seems to be the anti-gay marriage arguement of choice, at least from those that I have talked to (TFP or otherwise) - what example do you suppose we should use to call tradition? Man & Woman in a loving and respectful relationship? Maybe Man & Women, with the women's sole purpose to please the man? (50's textbook)
The reason I don't see any real value to the "tradition" arguement, as I have hopefully illustrated above, is the fact that there is no way to define which tradition to use as a model, and even if their was, you can't pick a single tradition and require a society as a whole (especially one as multi-cultural as America) and require everyone to not only accept, but practice it.
For those that protest saying that it is against God, the same general rule applies. It may be against
your God(s), but that is the reason there is a seperation of Church and State. We are allowed to practice any religion we want to here in this Great Country - and even if some religions disallow gay marriages, as shown above, some do, although it doesn't really matter, as the religious aspect is up to the Gay couple in question.
For me, the hardest part to accept with the defence of the Bible is shown above. If you are willing to follow the Bible to a
T when it comes to denying people rights, you better be up there hacking up animals to sacrifice & wearing only one type of cloth at the same time - if not, your opinion means little to me since you are willing to deny others peoples rights based on your religion but you don't hold it close enough to your heart to practice it to the letter.
Finally, people have stated that it is better for a child to be brought up in a "traditional" nuclear family. I have not seen a single study that has stated that, and if there is, I apologize. However, I do remember seeing several studies that stated that children brought up by same sex parents do just as well in all aspects of their life than a child as a result in a traditional marriage. With the divorce rate as high as it is, not to mention having children out of wedlock, wouldn't you think that it is better to have two parents, even if they are the same sex, than just one? Once again, this brings up the "traditional" aspect of all this, and puts us back in square one.
I see absolutely no issues with gay marriage, and have seen nor heard any conclusive proof showing that it is has/will damaged society. It is simply the next civil rights battle - and the war is near over.