My SO and I have decided not to have sex until we're married. We made this decisions based on multiple reasons (our faith mostly, but also because no form of birth control is 100% effective) and I have no problem sticking to it. To me sex is not only a physical act but the ultimate symbol of my devotion to my wife. I want her to have it and no one else. So why wait if I know she's the one? You never know what might happen, what the future holds. Two months from now we might realize that we're not the right ones for each other, that we're not as compatible as we once thought.
I know it's important to be sexually "compatible" but I see sexual compatibilty as a learning process that requires communication. It's up to us to communicate our feelings to each other to get the most pleasure out of the situation.
I know a lot of people will say I don't know what I'm talking about, and that's cool, but I believe what I believe.