Sexual compatibility is vital for a long-term marriage. It's okay to want it 5 times a day or 5 times a year, so long as your partner wants about the same thing at about the same time. It's pretty difficult to ascertain how that's going to work out without some experience to back it all up.
Let's all not forget that good sex doesn't necessarily indicate a good marriage either. Sex can be an indicator to how a relationship is working, particularly when the quality/frequency of sex drastically decreases, but it is not an end-all. However, I think as our society continues to get more saturated with sex in the media that it will be harder to make light of sex. To be honest, I'm a fan and I can't imagine myself believing that sex isn't that important in a relationship <i>now</i>. The value of sex certainly relates directly with who you're with and how you work together. I used to think that sex was essentially meaningless, and it was then. Attitudes can greatly dictate the value and meaning surrounding anything, including sex and anything else.
I think it is harder to maintain a negative value for sex than a positive one because it involves self-negation. Strangely enough, I've met people who thrive on self-negation... certainly, sex and marriage is a complicated issue that, at times, needs to broken down on a case-by-case basis.