Ask someone who lived in Poland during the 80s about what they thought of Reagan. They might just being tears to your eyes in addition to many "thumbs up". . . Ronnie's plan for bringing the cold war to an end without firing a perverbial shot was something that he dreamed up 25 years before he took office and refined every day after that. He believed in it to his core and that is what gave him the strength to carry it through.
The article was clearly written by someone who was not a Reagan fan, but even the author could see past some of what he percieved as shortcomings to the big picture of what Ronnie did for this country in a time of great need.
Speaking of the big picture though - maybe I should stay out of this thread . . . I know that there are plenty of vultures circling who curiously seem to be under say 23 years old or so with little income of their own and even less information to back up whatever arguments they make. They have a right to violently oppose the legacy Reagan left us, just as anyone else with different demographics. Maybe I will just step aside and let this thread take its course. Maybe then the thread won't get locked anyway. . .
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.