Originally posted by SecretMethod70
Sounds like overly wishful thinking to me. 1) No girl would "weed out" non-aggressive guys by telling them she has a boyfriend to see if they continue to pursue.
That is, of course, unless she's looking to hook up with disrespectful assholes.
Either way, the point is, asking a girl out who you know is in a relationship with another guy makes you the asshole.
Wrong. She might be trying to weed out the non aggressive guys. It is a very real possibility.
There are three likelihoods when a girl says she has a boyfriend.
1- She actually does, and she has no intentions to cheat on him. You struck out. If she wanted to cheat on him with you, she would bring it up much later... say , after a couple of dates. Happened to me once.
2 - She actually doesn't, but is politely saying fuck off. I'd say this is the most common "Kiss of Death" as it is the easiest.
3 - She actually doesn't, and is giving you a "shit test" to weed out the beta males. This occurs far more often than one would think. You stand no chance with this girl if you aren't an asshole.
I know more than one of my female friends have used this tactic before, whether they would admit to it or not. It seems like a subconcious thing for most girls, as are all 'tests'.
Originally posted by SecretMethod70
A guy did that to me once.
Don't do it. If the boyfriend hears about it he'll probably kick your ass and you'd be entirely deserving of it.
It is in no way the 'askers' fault the girl cheats. He gives her the oppurtunity, but she makes the decision. You read that? HERS. Unless it is a case of rape, then that is a wholly different issue.
But, if you can't trust her, that is an issue between you and her, not between you and some guy that neither one of you know. She has to have accountability for her actions. She would be the one "cheating" in the scenario.
If the jealous boyfriend, who can't even trust his girlfriend, takes his insecurity out on you, then HE deserves to get the ass kicking. Not you.
In fact, if he threatens you, just call the cops, get him in jail and then do his ex girlfriend. But don't trust her.