Sparkle rocks the house. My take on Power supplies is the heavier the better. Go to your local CompUSA and pick up their own brand 300W, and then an Antec or whatever else they have in 300W. You can feel the difference! I have had ZERO issues with Sparkle and am very impressed. Just remember, there is a great deal of brand loyalty out there, and you will never change someones mind!

Thermaltake Cases are heavy as SHIT. I think mine tops out now around 45-50 lbs EASY. However, I don't go to LAN parties so it sits under my desk until I change the config. Weight wasn't an issue for me there. One thing I don't like about the 7000A... SATA Drive Location: If you look at the picture, they mount sideways. You have to be careful with your cable and power cable when sliding the side closed or you could pull it off.
I just built my brother a system using the VM2000A. Even fully configured I don't think it weighs more than 10lbs. That is a sweet system, but didn't hold the devices I wanted to install (3 Opticals, 1 IDE 120GB, 3 Sata 120GB (2 in raid 0, the other storage). However, if you don't have the media requirements I did that VM2000A is a SWEET case. Just take care with your cables, it can look pretty nasty in there if you don't clean it up (hates side windows, messy by nature!