Now with definitions:
Tuque: a knitted head-hat-scarfy-thing
Chinook: a thaw in the middle of winter.
Two-Four: a case of 24 beers
Deck Al (not DEE kal): decal
Zed: the last letter of the alphabet and the first letter of zebra
Die Wrecked (Opposite of indirect): direct
Sowester (Storm from a certain direction): south western storm
How Zit Goan, Eh?: How is it going?
Tronno: Toronto
26er: 26 oz of liquor
alcool: *hic*
Chesterfield: sofa or couch
deke, deke out : feint, to psych out, to misdirect
double-double: coffee with two cream two sugar
ghetto blaster (apparently is obsolete down south: any corroboration?) : a semi-portable sterio system with two "large" speakers built in
Grit: A name for the Liberal party or a member therof.
Habs: The Montreal Canadians
Hogtown: Toronto
Cowtown: Calgary
hooch: moonshine
homo milk: homogonized milk, with no fat removed
# kay or a kay: short for kilometer
# klicks: short for kilometer
Lotus Land: BC, or in particular parts of BC
mickey: *hic*, a particular size (& shape?) of liquor bottle
mountie: A member of the RCMP, the national police force
Newfie: Someone from Newfoundland
pogey: welfare, as in "being on the pogey".
The Rock: Newfoundland
Screech: A particularly vile form of hooch from the maritimes.
T.O.: Toronto
The Soo: Sou St Marie
Tory : A member of the Progressive Conservative party of Canada
Anglophone: Someone whose native language is English
Francophone: Someone whose native language is French
Twofer: See 24
Oh, and Yankee = All Americans
dick all (or "dick"): Nothing
Lacrosse (in Quebec, has.. yet another meaning): In Quebec, slang for Masturbation. Also a strange sport.
Bluenoser: Someone from Nova Scotia. Reference to the Blue Nose, a famous Canadian sailing ship.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.