Originally posted by Phoenix
What are all these holes in evolution people keep mentioning? I'm wondering if there are actual holes in it or some people just can't comprehend it. Evolution is an observable fact and the theories only come in when trying to figure out the mechanism for it.
Evolution in an upward progression has NOT been OBSERVED by any human. State one instance of evolution that any human has observed and recorded and hasn't been proven a hoax or mistake in the end. As I've said before according to the rules of science a fact must be observable and able to be duplicated to be a true fact. Either theory must be taken by faith. We do not have true scientific evidence that proves either one to be true. Only some scientific evidence that can be used to support the respective THEORIES. A creation or evolution stand MUST be a stand of faith alone in that theory. You choose which to believe but you cannot PROVE that either one is right or wrong. I believe in creation but I'll be the first to admit that it cannot be proven. Neither can evolution.