He's healthy so far, which has been his only problem. He is still an amazing talent, he's just been through a streatch of bad luck. I can only imagine what he would have done if he had remained healthy for his entire career. Griffey was the only reason I became interested in baseball at all. As a Seattlite, my heart broke when he left us. I am thrilled to see that he is getting back on track. His average is down, but he leads the league in homers, which is a start. I can only hope that he returns to Seattle one day, if that asshole Howard Lincoln can get over himself. During Spring training the reds would have done anything to get rid of Griffey and anyone could have had him for cheap if they wanted to take a risk. Now he's on the verge of a major comeback and there's no way the Reds will get rid of him. Griffey is a force on that team and they would not be where they are now without him as a player and a leader.
--size matters not-- yoda