ok, heres the deal.
Today, i bought a belkin wireless router. Well, i tried to install it but the router didnt connect to my modem for some odd reason. Well, i exited the setup and reconnected my computer to my modem. Well, instead of the normal 100Mbs
i now have ... keep in mind i have normal Verizon DSL.
Well, now its at 1Gps. Seems kiiiiiiinda odd to me. I did some
online internet tests, and this is what i found out.
Communications 1.5 megabits per second
Storage 182.3 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 5.6 seconds
1353.5 kbps
using tech.msn.com/downloads/speedtest.armx
1243.5 kbps
so, this seem normal?