Sneaking into two movies
My wife and I do this nearly every time we go see a movie. As we are walking out of the early show down a long corridor past other movies, we simply walk into another one that starts later and watch an unnoficial double-feature.
In fact, I always get online before we leave home so that I can calculate the ending times for the early shows and the starting times for the later shows. I find that if I add 15 minutes for previews, I can pretty accurately predict the exact ending time for the early shows, and thereby plan exactly which later show we can see.
Also, my wife brings our own bottled Coke drinks from home in her "movie purse," which is a large canvas bag she bought at GAP. Since our theatre has two Coke machines inside the lobby, it's not unusual to see patrons walking around with bottled Cokes.
Plus, we buy one large popcorn because it comes with a free refill at any time, which I usually go get somewhere near the end of the first film. Therefore, when the first movie ends, we watch the ending credits all the way to the end and walk out together with a full bag of refilled popcorn and two bottled drinks. As we walk into the second movie, we look just like all the other patrons who just arrived.
Our theatre takes the tickets back at the entrance door, so there's no one around to watch the back hallways where the theatre doors are located.
Our total expenditures for two movies, two large bags of popcorn, and four bottled Diet Cokes comes out to be $22.75.
Living is easy with eyes closed.