A good combination.
I'm reading this 800 page omnibus by this funny guy for the third time, and it gives me this idea that wouldn't have worked before recent technological advances.
Take a PDA or some sort of portable, handheld-ish device with a screen and a lil keyboard on it. Pack into it A) WiFi, and B) GPS. Give it software so that it always updates it's location and simultaneously attempts to tap into any and all unsecure wifi servers whenever it can, and update the PDA with as much local information as possible: Cheap motels, spots where cops don't check for bums and drifters overnight, trucker stops, good eating, friendly commuters, local bars and hangouts, etc. This kind of info is always updated into the device, but the user can also search the main server for specific information of his or her choosing.
Then we put it in a case, and the case has the words "Don't Panic" written in big, friendly letters on it.
Just a thought.