How not to debate on the internet
Ok, let's make this short and sweet.
What NOT to do:
1. I see too many people who use the method where they quote a user and pick apart every single point they make. This is not a good way to debate. Why? Because it becomes less and less about the point at hand, and more and more about simply proving the other person wrong. I call this "The Darth Vader Effect." It's not illegal to make a pointed remark directly at someone, but the tone of the debate becomes very personal very fast. It crosses over into the Dark Side. Just make your point, after point, after point, after point.
2. Do not claim a disadvantage. You may be arguing against a moderator, administrator, or even me, but as long as you can debate in a respectful manner, you will never be at a disadvantage. Yes, people have gotten banned for debating against moderators. However, it was not because they simply disagreed, it was because they acted like a cornered mutt when it came down to the wire. I call this "The Jew-For-A-Day Defense." TRUST your moderators - they work as a team.
3. Don't FOCUS on the flow of your opposition's argument. If you feel that by causing your opponent to say something out of character, you've automatically won the debate, you are sadly mistaken. I call this "The Bill O'Reilly Tactic." It can also be referred to loosely as "The Chewbacca Defense." If you've ever been fooled into thinking a TV show is GOOD because it is popular, then you need to make sure that you read this paragraph one more time.
Thank you.