It really depends on the guy and what he is capable of. With Italians (and certain Italian Americans) it is very clearly understood as a death threat.
As I understand it though, it is a threat and not a promise. For example, someone I knew owned a resturant and they were told (READ: pressured) that they would have to sell to a paticular person who wanted to buy it even though it was not for sale. As it turns out, the people I knew were "connected" and let their friends know about the "offer" they recieved.
The fellow was delievered a note and a bouquet of black roses. He appologised and moved out of the state shortly after. The black roses did not mean death, as long as he complied.
The moral of this story is that your mom will be fine if:
1. She goes back out with the guy and marries him or at least dates him until he is uninterested
2. Has tougher friends (he delivers 1 black rose and her connections deliver 12 and and a "note")
3. The guy does not know what it really means and is just some freak.
Seriously though - check this guy out and offer to rearrange his face at the first sign of trouble. Be reasonable, but prepared.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.