sure! why not- the point of being with someone is to love them for who they are. physical touch is great, but just imagine what it would feel like if you were with someone for quite a few years- never kissing or making sexual contact- and being truly in love with the person and then you get married and *BAM*! A whole other new experience that is intense- more intense than it would be if you did those things before marriage. And that you feel comfortable knowing that you love them first and foremost for them, without letting physical attraction or appearance affect anything.
I am not saying that I did- I'd consider it if it weren't for the wonderful blessing of a baby boy- and I am not saying it would be easy- but it would be easier (and you could tell) when you are attracted to their simple essence more than anything.
There's a difference between "love" or connection and physical attraction, yet they can both blend together and you may get confused with one another. Focusing on the person for who they are helps you to keep physical feelings from the true feelings of love you have for each other.
Last edited by :::OshnSoul:::; 06-05-2004 at 08:29 PM..