There was a supreme court case that struck down part of our Cannibis law (namely, possession of small quantities).
As usual in Canadian supreme court cases of this kind, they gave parliament a deadline to fix up the law. Parliament slacked off, and the deadline passed: resulting in the entire law being no longer enforceable.
In effect, while the law against possessing small quantities of weed is currently on the books, and you can be charged with it, you have the backing of the supreme court when it goes to trial. Sort of a wierd state. Police in some areas aren't bothering to arrest under this non-crime crime.
The legalization of pot for medical use has occured, and is also causing some strange precidents. At one point, the government allowed doctors to perscribe pot, but nobody was legally allowed to grow it, and judges bonked the government on the head for it.
The use of weed isn't extremely common, but it isn't extremely rare. I know pot heads, ex pot-heads, and people who have never touched the stuff. I also know people who drink alot of beer, people who used to drink alot of beer, and people who have never touched the stuff. (admittedly, there are far fewer never-drinkers than never-weeders).
In some circles, smoking cigarettes is considered alot more anti-social than smoking pot.
Those who sell pot are still committing a crime in Canada.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.