I realize how late I'm coming into this argument... but in reading many of the replies i'm disgusted with the contempt many of the replies in this topic have for either side... whether it be canadian or american, moreso american it seems.... Hell, even a Moderator got his punch in on canada

woe is me.
Anyway, I feel the need to speak my part.
I am enraged at America for one reason, Trade Bully Tactics... It's horrible!
Softwood Lumber - We have better trees than you, and more of them. Period. People want to buy our trees over your sub-par yellow pine. So what does your government do? You put RIDICULOUS tariffs on imported lumber. Bankrupting many mills in my beautiful province of BC, and decimating one of our primary exports. Thanks a lot.
I love my country, I will never live anywhere else but in Canada. I love the fact that the rest of the world loves canada, and I can wear my flag with pride anywhere in the world (Except America, go figure) and be treated with respect and admiration. I love hearing stories of Americans sewing Canadian flags onto their packs so they are treated better... It makes me smile, and beam with joy.
It is strange that our closest neighbour holds us in such contempt... while the rest of the world is envious.
Have a nice day.
further notes:
baka - Haha, i wonder if im the only one who spotted this... Gotta love knowing nuances of a foreign language
The average Joe Canadian will get it - I loved that commercial.
Yakk - very eloquently put, you educated many people with that post... Perhaps someone from the USA can briefly make such a post... I'd be intrigued to learn more about America
Rick mercer is a brilliant political satirist... he makes fun of canadian government twice as much as he does american.