Originally posted by onetime2
Not unlike Bush (just substitue Michael Moore et al for Limbaugh). Not recognizing the pattern present in politics and the media today is one reason that we are doomed to see it continue.
The attacks against Bush are as politically and personally motivated as those against Clinton. The DNC and Kerry campaigns are simply in the "throw as much crap into the media as possible to see what sticks" stage. Just like the RNC and Gingrich were in the beginning of Clinton's term. The DNC and Kerry just haven't found a story that will resonate with the public. This is partially due to their inability to really go after him in the days after 9/11. If you look at the Dem strategy as being just a couple years behind the Republican strategy against Clinton the strategies are remarkably similar.
They threw out the National Guard stuff, the ties to energy companies, the puppet of Cheney bs, the being in the "pocket of big business" card, the ties to the "oil industry", the Saudis, and the Bin Ladens, too much time on vacation, etc, etc ,etc. These stories just didn't stick.
In Clinton's days it was "travelgate", the FBI files, the "secret healthcare" meetings, Whitewater, etc, etc, etc. Same shit different day. Unfortunately for Clinton and the Dems earlier, there wasn't much news that would push their stories off the page. Today terrorism, the economy, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, prison abuse scandals, and several other things get more focus.
Perhaps the reason nothinbg sticks to Bush is the people are tired of hearing all the mud and want to see results. Or it could be that Limbaugh, Beck and other Clear Channel talking heads spin everything people don't know what to believe.
Personally, there are somethings I think that should have been investigated about Bush, but I am also in the enough camp where I want results and an end to the bickering that is destroying our country.
In the end, the bickering has to end and BOTH parties need to work together to better the country, not try to hold or gain power. Like I said the bickering and fighting are what truly is destroying this country faster than all else combined. The main reason is too many people (on both sides) are so adamant about their views that they don't bend even when the other side makes more sense. The reason people are adamant is because their views are attacked almost every day by the other side.