Ok so tell me. What do the rest of you put on your refrigerator?
If magnets, what are they?
If pictures, of who?
Artwork, by who?
On our refrigerator we have :
Picture w/ alpha phi's 2 sisters and our niece. Held up by a Pizza Hut magnet
Picture of my parents , held up by a dolphin magnet
School picture of our niece held up by an angel magnet
Graduation picture of one of my cousins w/ a garden of flowers magnet surrounding her pic
extra magnets:
Little coffee sack w/ old fashioned coffee grinder next to it
Campbells soup chip clip/magnet
Felpausch 70 Years and Still Fresh chip clip/Magnet
A boot w/ bluebonnet flowers on it and Texas written on it..(I was born in Texas)
My favorite is a calico cloth cat that has a magnet on each paw and looks like she's hangin on to the fridge for dear life.
Feel free to include a pic