"How long to you want to live"......Well the answer to that would be if i found a way to become virtualy ageless and the key to immortality of course i would live as long as i found some petty amusment in this world of course....i beleive immortality to be perfectly plausable and possible to acheive although i much doubt it will be discovered in this life time in less there is a odd type of anomaly. Of course there is other ways to preserve "yourself" and dont get me wrong its not the body im talking about its the brain/mind. I mean.... It is possible to record brain patterns and get data from this...supposidly....just imagen if someone scaned a brain and saved this and then injected this data and wouldnt want to go in to any details of how i think this might be done but i think it perfectly possible that you could send "yourself" or at least your essence in to anouther body... to extend life or thus simularly wait and come back somehow in the future.... How knows....

btw i wouldnt get frozen and put on ice if i had the chance....like i said since there is probably much better ways that no one has even thought of.