i'm a journalist, however i am not currently working directly in hard news. i got into it because i needed a job and i got one in media. i work for an outlet that has a right of center editorial bent. i take my responsibiliites to my company and my readership very seriously. my personal politics don't enter into my job, but i do have them because i am a citizen and it is my right. i know many colleagues who do not vote in primaries because that would require public declaration of a party affiliation, which they feel would compromise their objectivity to the readership.
art, you're overgeneralizing and pigeonholing the entire mediascape. it's too big for that, the information space is a free market after all and there is a flavor to suit every palate. the cultural elite you refer to are no more hypocritical than say a person who endorses and espouses conservative values while encouraging the very liberal free self-expression of the highly sexual and naked variety.
but we all tell ourselves little lies to help get us through the day. i generally tell myself i don't do it for the money, but i do.
*edit: oh yeah, i forgot to mention this: reporters tend to be of a liberal bent, because they have to ask questions and challenge the status quo to report on it. reporters must be skeptical, open-minded and accepting of multiple viewpoints in order to maintain the level of objectivity needed to do their job in a reasonably competent fashion.
if everyone is thinking alike, chances are no one is thinking.
Last edited by gibingus; 06-04-2004 at 01:08 PM..