If you had to be executed.....
OK, this is a morbid topic I admit but living in Texas where executions are a common thing it has crossed my mind from time to time. The question is, if you had to be executed for whatever reason what method would you choose and why? This isn't about the morality of of the death penalty or if one is innocent or guilty. This is strictly a scenario where you have been sentenced to die and given a choice of any method that has been used historically. Some examples: Drowning, burning at stake, ingesting poison, stoning, decapitation, hanging, firing squad, electric chair, gas chamber, lethal injection. I know, it gives me the willies too but for some reason it crossed my mind and I made a choice. For me, I would choose hanging. The medieval methods, (burning etc.) would just be too horrific. Firing squad is too bloody. Electric chair seems too much like being cooked. Gas chamber makes me nauseaous and lethal injection seems too clinical. I've read that if the noose is positioned right you expire quickly and without pain. Dunno, just seems like the way to go if I had to. Sorry if this topic offends anyone but if you don't cross the line from time to time how do you know where it is?