Hi art, that was a little sarcasm based on the subject matter of discussion. I was going to make a joke about how to get a one-armed grayman out of a tree, but I thought it would be too much.
As far as other talking about waves of immigrants, and previous generations of immigrants insulting them as they got off the boat, I heard this was true. For instance, one book claimed that the term honkie was derived from the blacks complaing about the hungarians, ie the hungies, ie the honkies taking black jobs for lower wages. This might have also been a racist joke from years ago about one group who cannot speak english complaining about another group.
BTW, if anyone missed my joke about the mispelling of polack and thought it was real, I apologize and I will tell the joke really slow next time. Ha Ha. that was another joke. I got a million of them. Sometimes I slay myself.
(No members were intentionally harmed during this piece of dialogue)