You and I both know, with common sense that Clinton , in effect, lied. But when it comes to perjury that is a much dicier subject. From what I have read it is an extremely flimsy argument and unlikely to succeed if Clinton were tried for Perjury. Finally, He wasn't tried for perjury.
But that was good enough for the Republicans who took an issue from a CIVIL trial and brought it to further national attention.
So, are you saying that Republicans were just responding to the press coverage of Clinton? That they couldn't resist because the press just kept it in their faces? It shows how childish they are then that they were so easily manipulated then by the media? No, I don’t believe that. There was intense hatred by republicans for Clinton. Much past anything we can muster up for Bush I believe.
Hell in addition to the Blowjob, and Whitewater in which they used a vehmenently partisan prosecutor to go over every inch of his life and put together a report that read like pornography. There were allegations of Clinton being a rapist and murderer. His wife being a lesbian. His friends were arrested to intimidate them into incriminating Clinton. And those are only the ones that became mainstream attacks against Clinton.
Finally Clinton’s personal approval ratings did slip during all the mudslinging, that is to be expected because of the sheer volume and pitch of it. So what you are saying is the Republicans were feeding off their own scandalous press? But Clinton’s job approval ratings soared There was nothing the Republicans could accuse Clinton of that could even dent that. In fact the ‘pub attacks only seemed to bolster his ratings. People didn’t distrust Clinton. My grandmother for instance thought it was stupid that Clinton finally gave the Republicans something to attack him with, but she realized just how petty and horrible the constant attacks were. She doesn’t like Kerry but she said she will never be able to bring herself to vote for a Republican because of how they slandered Clinton. And she would have voted for Bush this election otherwise. She is pretty socially conservative and agrees with him on abortion and gay marriage. She hates that they weakened this country by diverting our leaders attention from important issues with petty bullshit that had no bearing on how he performed his job.
The way I see it, at least the anti-Bush people are going after Bush for the way he is running the country. For the decisions he is making. The Clenis haters were attacking Clinton for who and what he was.
Last edited by Superbelt; 06-04-2004 at 07:19 AM..