To paraphrase George Carlin, "Humans should never be so smug as to actually believe
that our puny actions could destroy the earth. Before that would happen, the earth would shake us
off like a bad case of fleas."
Exactly. And when you really dig into it Environmentalism is extremely selfish. Carlin is a
smart guy and, I think a typical environmentalist. He realizes that we are fucking
ourselves over. It's not REALLY about saving the earth, for the earths sake. It is about
saving ourselves. We are a fragile species, and to keep us dominant and successful we need to
harness nature. Not just to profit off of it but to preserve it in a suitable way for our survival.
That means healthy ecosystems that contribute to the overall health of the planet.
Climate Change is now the biggest hurdle that we have to find a way to "control" In a sense we
are controlling it by creating the sharpest warming streak in observable scientific history. Now
we need to learn how to harness it correctly so that the changes we are creating don’t kill us out.
Global Warming and Ice Age predictions at the same time do not discredit each other. Both can
exist at once. For instance, the world will see a real warming overall. Most of the warming is
and will happen at the poles though. At the same time the warming of the ocean will eventually
shut down the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is the only thing that keeps the British Isles from
looking like Greenland. The heat that they absorb from the Gulf of Mexico by way of that
current is amazing. Disruptions of ocean currents and wind patterns can and will create similar
disruptions across the planet.
Climate Change is too cumulative of an effect and too much of a behemoth to disregard while
waiting for more proof. The proof is really there, it’s simple physics. Carbon is a heat absorber.
We are pumping tremendous amounts of carbon into the atmosphere and it is accumulating. The
earth has increased it’s temperature at a rate that coincides with the carbon accumulations.
If we want to continue to survive like we have for thousands of years we need to take the
initiative now and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels of all types. The technology and ability
is there it just takes leaders with vision to take us down that path.