Originally posted by ARTelevision
In brief, these folks do things because it makes them feel good about themselves.
As i see it, I don't think anyone can be completely objective, let alone journalists. But it is the journalist and the personal opinions which add to the uncontrollable biases since the more " knowledgable " the reporters content appears to be, the more creedence that opinion receives, even if the content is nothing more than an unqualified personal opinion.
It just isn't any good to report the news anymore. We need to be sold on it. We need it broken down and spoon fed to us regardless of fact or fiction. We are lazy and we are accustomed to being entertained. Whether there are more liberals than conservatives who abide by these conventions is statistical. The more important factor for those so special is ego, for now someone recognizes them for what they want to be recognized for,..something they think they are. Liberal or conservative affiliation isn't worth much. It's simply a vehicle to, as Art stated,..pontificate.