I don't know much about CapitalHillBlue, nor about this case for that matter. I do know that some outspoken critic of Bush or the war, probably both, had his wife exposed as a CIA operative. Not sure whether or not the two are a cause / effect relationship. I suppose it certainly wouldn't be unheard of and it'd be real fucked up if it were the case. If there were some vendetta the government felt were necessary, couldn't they attack him. Isn't attacking someone that's working for you sort of "cutting your nose off despite your face." Isn't the government more crafty than this at shutting someone up?
Clearly something happened, whether intentional (in effect treason) or careless (that's how little i know about this). But there are two things i notice about this:
1. It really boils down to the frequency of the accusations, not too mention the severity of them, made against Bush since the day he took office. I couldn't begin to tell you the # of articles cut and pasted here and elsewhere of fairytales of Bush scandals that a month later you hear nothing about.
2. The website from which this article came, and my purpose here is not to write off the entire subject, it admittedly needs to be investigated but.....on it's home page it took an event that happened in my city, Baltimore, a few months ago where a teenage birthday party resulted in a 12 year old girl getting sent to Hopkins because she got the shit kicked out of her for kissing a boy on the cheeks, and it was instigated by the birthday girls mother who told her daughter "take care of your business." Well this crazy situation according to capitol hill blue is a result of a patriarchal society where women are failing at taming men, men are making women evil. I don't know, i just need a more credible source to make me feel so much anger at this situation that im ready to put someone to death for treason (the anger from the left is already clearly there).
3. The title of the article "Bush knew about CIA operative's leak and did nothing to stop it". Of course the article itself is all "allegedly", but it seems to me the title is definitively accusing Bush of treason.
Long before this Iraq war my Mom's neighbor who she was relatively friendly with (even to this day i think), told her she wished president Bush were dead. There is a hatred for this man, that i just don't get, and it pisses me off - especially because i like him, and I believe he is honest, and does what he does because he believes it's the right thing to do.
My Mom's super conservative, my dad not so much - definately sees both sides of the aisle, but i think a little more to the right. Little story: My mom DESPISED Clinton, his policies, his treatment of women, etc etc. But my parents went to some play or opera in DC with a friend of theirs (who felt the same as my Mom) and he Clinton walked down the aisle. Everyone stood and clapped except my parents friends who refused. Afterward my Mom tore this guy a new asshole saying "I don't like him as a person, nor his policies but he occupies an office which transcends all of that and until he's gone he deserves respect."
The t-shirts 'Not my president", "Pull out Bush, your daddy should have", Thief, Liar, Mass Murderer, etc etc, from day 1....... well, i'm going to need a more credible source before i suggest some high level government official deserve "the death penalty", and a few more details to convince me that this isn't another selfish baseless attack.