don't forget, when you get takeout at a nice restaurant, you're supposed to tip as well.
generally 10-15%....
Also,don't forget, the bartender, server, anyone whose income is dependent upon tips (not baristas or anyone paid minimum wage or higher) must pay taxes on at least 10% of their sales.
So say, i'm waiting on a group of 10 people and their total bill is $500 and they leave me a lovely $5 tip (happened to a friend of mine bc he didnt' automatically add gratuity) the end of the night, he had to claim at least $50 from the party and pay taxes as if he'd made $50 from that. He also had to pay $15 in "tipshare" to the bartender, hostess and server assistant/busboy/whatever you wanna call him.
So, this party ended up costing him $10 outright and a few dollars in taxes...all for doing his job.
Yay, to get to pay to do your own job...yay

it's so great, lemme tell ya...