Originally posted by Yakk
While I do know that the Conservative Party of Canada has no party platform on which to run,.....
Well that in itself is a ridiculous statement. But then look at the Fiberals.They might as well not have a platform at all since everything they promise is bullshit, lies and excuses.
By the way, did you know that when Jean Chretien came into power, the only thing different between the Tory blue book and the Grit red book was the cover and I believe 32 pages of text. That's right.The other couple hundred pages were the Tory platform that the Liberals adopted. Don't believe me though, look it up.
Finally, tune into CBC and you will see pundits on a daily basis speaking of the Liberals grasping at straws basically running on the Tory platform to once again suck in Canadians for the 4th kick in the head.
And the Conservatives have no platform,...Yesssh. If they don't then the Liberals certainly don't either.