Originally posted by GSRIDER

picked it up yesterday. had some running problems though. The engine kept popping and dying, would'nt stay running with out some throttle applied. So I just about walked away from it. But the dealer (not a bike owner himself) said I could take it and if I couldn't get it running the way I wanted in a couple days to just bring it back. I tinkered and had a smooth run later.
He added some louder pipes for some reason.. and I think a fuel adjustment needs to be made to compensate for the new exhaust. He thought the bike would sell quicker if it was louder.
Anyways, we'll see how a couple more runs go. If I decide to keep it. the first thing to go is the seat and then I'm getting some new bars... make a ol streetfigheresque bike.
Sounds like a jetting problem to me... running way too lean. You describe them as very loud pipes.. probably performance or race pipes, obviously.
Pull the plugs after running it for a while. Check them against this chart. (takes a while to load on 56k.. )
If the jetting is off, you'll have to crack open the carbs!