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Old 06-03-2004, 07:57 AM   #48 (permalink)
BFG Builder
Location: University of Maryland
Originally posted by pan6467
Nowhere did I say he was wrong to defend himself. The problem I have is 10 freaking rounds in the man. There is truly no excuse for that whatsoever. You can argue all you want, I defy any man on here to take 5-6 shots in 8 seconds and be standing and alert enough to shoot a gun, on drugs or not. Imagine twice that going through you.
So you're a ballistics expert?

A bullet does not contain enough kinetic energy to send a guy flying; especially a 9mm round. Hollywood has done a wonderful job of presenting that misconception. The guy fired his entire clip, and 2/3 of those rounds hit their target. He fired until he was certain his target was DOWN, which is what you do in a high-stress situation.

You keep on assuming this guy is going to be able to evaluate the situation; that's bullshit. You're not going to be able to tell if your target is "alert enough to shoot a gun," just as you can't tell if the guy's gun is loaded in the first place. You assume a worse-case scenario and fire until your target is dead.

How many rounds would you prefer this man have fired? Is there a limit we should set up? How would you decide such a thing?
If ignorance is bliss, you must be having an orgasm.
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