I've actually had fun at a thought experiement.
What would happen if Canada where to decide to build nuclear weapons?
No, seriously. Canada has the technology, the raw materials, and the knowhow. Hell, we even have missile silos.
Simply withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty on some pretext (the lack of international punishment for states like Isreal, India, Pakistan and South America, together with the 5 large nuclear nations refusing to disarm, has made the non-proliferation treaty a joke), and the underground test ban treaty on another (this treaty bans the use of underground nuclear tests. Dispite this, nuclear tests happen, even amoung signatories: America just recently set off an explosing containing nuclear materials, within the letter of the treaty, but it spits on the spirit. As such, Canada can no longer be signatory to such a bankrupt agreement).
We should probably be nuclear armed before we actually do the above, as a matter of insurance.
If it wasn't for the complete lack of influence Canada has in the world, I'd suspect the world would get rather fucked by such a unilateral move towards nuclear proliferation.
Why would Canada do this? Well, Canada should be a geopolitical realist. One's ability to influence the world is based on one's percieved power. Being capable of destroying any nation that disagrees with Canada would, by that measure, be increased by a large nuclear deterrant.
Oh, and before you go all ga ga, this won't happen. Canada isn't really interested in blowing up other countries. Good government, good will and security is, traditionally, enough for us.
I sometimes find the acts of American politicians rude (and often in violation of various treaties). But really, I don't want Canada to be noticed: fame isn't worth the bother.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.