Ha ha, I had no idea that I was supposed to blow up the trapped Jedi so he couldn't regenerate his health. I just fought him like 10 times instead.
NO Doubt.. I did that my first time also. However I had the Force Heal, and since my force powers didn't work on him I had plenty to go around.
2nd time around (dark side) I had that same power he did to suck the Jedi's life, so I would just use the Jedi to recharge myself.
My buddy used his brain first time around (Light) and used throw lightsaber to bust the Jedi up.
I am worried though being just force sensitive.. I am having issues with weakness in my Lightsaber fighting, missing, not having enough power. I am just going to have to pop those Battle Stimulants, Knight Speed, and use the right combo of Crystals. But, I can light some Kilraith UP with my new found force powers!