Never had a girlfriend cheat on me, but I'll share a recent episode from one of my friends:
His girlfriend who lived in Texas (it was a long distance relationship) said her grandfather died and went to Wisconson to be with her aunt for a bit and for the funeral and stuff, preventing her from being able to visit on a weekend they had planned on. He missed talking to her and she never gave him the number so he used some of his connections (PI's, cops, etc) to find out the number to the place and gave her a call. She was upset that he called. He felt bad so he wanted to send flowers so he had his PI friend find out the address for him (didn't want to call and get her upset again). Well, the PI found out the address...and regretfully showed him some "disturbing" pictures he got of her with this other guy there. Not to mention he found out her grandparents were alive and well. My friend called her and asked her if there was anything she wanted to tell him - she came out with it and said that she had planned on staying in WI until he got sick of never being able to see her and broke up with her.
Pretty cruel if you ask me, saying your grandfather died in order to cheat on someone.
Le temps détruit tout
"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling