If the general idea is to inspire terror into a countries population ... why target important buildings ?
start blowing up random buildings in random cities ... and watch the population panic. The paranoia that there is no method to the madness will send the entire country into disarray and cause general chaos, people will get so scared that they will stop to function properly in society...
When your goal is Terror, you should target the group of people most likely to become scared, and thats not the governement or the military, but the simple man in the street...
9/11 in that view was a brilliant concept, the idea that an ordinary passenger plane could be dropping on your head at any time struck fear into the population causing a major economical crisis....
That is what terrorism is about imho ... causing mayhem and disrupting the normal order of things to achieve your goal.
now do not get me wrong ... I condemn Terrorism as much as the next man, but I am a great fan of strategy, in any form.
I wage war in my mind.
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