Maybe it was only 1 second differance. Maybe it was 59 second differance. If I pressed refresh it would ruin my message, so i'd have to retype it. but then i'd have to press refresh again to see if anyoine had still not posted, so it would ruin my message again. So i'd have to refresh again to make sure nobody posted, but it would ruin my message. So while I retyping it, somebody could have posted. So i'd have to refresh again to make sure nobody posted, but it would ruin my message. So while I retyping it, somebody could have posted. So i'd have to refreash again to make sure nobody posted, but it would ruin my message. So while I retyping it, somebody could have posted. So i'd have to refresh again to make sure nobody posted, but it would ruin my message. So while I retyping it, somebody could have posted. So i'd have to refreash again to make sure nobody posted, but it would ruin my message. So while I retyping it, somebody could have posted. It will go on forever!!