As for the delaying death issue, I don't see a point, you'll die anyway so just play along...
That got me thinking a little bit. I have no intention in delaying death, I actually look foward to it...in a sense...a non-morbid type of way. I will enjoy my time here on Earth, but I do greatly anticipate what the after life is like. I have no idea what it is, but I do definitly believe there is one, and am extremely curious as to what it is like. I recently watched a show about after-life experiences, where people have pretty much been dead, seen something, but came back. I believe them all.
I don't fear death at all. The only part of dieing that i'm afraid of is actually dieing. I'd want it to be as painless and quick as possbile. If I were to freeze myself, it wouldn't be to escape death, it would be to see the future, like you said.