How long do you want to live?
How long do you want to live?
If the technology were to become a serious possiblitiy for humans, would you consider cryogenic freezing?
My great-grandmother, now 101, is a huge inspiration to me. Its unbelievable how healthy she is at her age. She even lives on the second story of her appartment building, which has no elevators, and climbs the stairs multiple times a day. I guess it's hard to say now, but I really hope I live that long and am in that good of shape.
Although, i've heard a lot about cryogenic freezing lately. Apparently they have been able to freeze bacteria and other small forms of live and been able to bring them back to life, and with great success. I'd be willing to bet that before the 21st century is over, cryogenic freezing will be a possiblity for humans as well.
Chances are I will feel differantly when the time comes, but if I were in my 70s or 80s and diagnosed with a terminal illness, I would seriously consider cryogenic freezing..even if there was only the slightest possiblity I will survive when re-animated in XX number of years.
Think about it. Either die then for sure, or have a slight chance of living again in tens or hundreds of years in the future? Although you'd be alone in the world, not knowing a single person, but I think to me it would be worth it. I'd love more than anything to see the future, and to live during the 22nd (or beyond) century.
Am I crazy for saying i'd submit myself as a test subject to this?
I'm curious to know others thoughts about this, and how long you'd like to live otherwise.