Originally posted by seretogis
If there were no such legislation does anyone actually think that 100% of bars would have "No Blacks, Jews, Fags" signs in their windows and expect to stay in business? Is it truly the business of the government to make sure that everyone can buy their eggs at the same store?
Not sure what the posted article has to do with your point, but...
If there was no legislation, there would be more than 0, and that, to me, is too many. And yes - it is the government's business to make sure "everyone can buy their eggs at the same store" - not necessarily the federal government, but the city council, county board, the state government all have a role in insuring things like that don't happen.
Taking it out of the scope of the government, and hoping it goes away by itself, is overreachingly optimistic, at least in my state. I suppose Minnesota is better off that way (even if it is 95% white and doesn't have to worry about such things).