new post, a repsonse to your last post
once you've uploaded your picture to the host, it's sitting there waiting for you to link it. a few things you have to do.
1. right click the picture and go to the properties selection
2. within the new properties window that has just come up, there is a selection titles Address (URL). to the right of that is a long line. now once you have that entire address highlighted (as instructed by my tutorial), you need to press two buttons on yoru keyboard at once. first press and hold the ctrl button, then press the C key. this is an instruction for your computer to Copy (hence the C) the highlighted selection onto the clipboard. think of the clipboard as a holding area for temporary information.
3. once you've Copied the selection, you need to go to wherever it is you want to put the picture and Paste the selection. to do that, place your cursor in the text window (so that the blinking line is in there), then press and hold the ctrl button again and press the V key. for some outlandish reason, V is the key for pasting. if you've done this right, you should see the entire address for the picture (if you're using MSN it's gonna be long and confusing, but if you highlighted it as i instructed you to, it should be correct).
4. in the beginning of that big address, enter the beginning IMG block, just like SiN showed, exactly like she put it but without the asterisk. in the end of the big address, enter the closing IMG block, again, just like SiN did, but without the asterisk.
5. press the submit button and if you did everything correctly, you should see the picture, hotlinked as it should be. if you didn't, you'll know real quickly. let me know and we'll walk through it.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine