hiya dale. i figured that since it's my post you're having problems understanding, i should poke my head in and see how you're doing.
SiN's explaination is pretty simple, but i'm gonna bring it down another notch because you're technology-impaired.
from step one to the end.
1. person takes a picture with their digital camera or film camera
2. person uploads that picture from their digital camera or develops the film and scans a print of that picture into their computer
the picture is now a file, most commonly a jpeg (don't know what it stands for, but it's the most common file type)
3. person takes that file and uploads it onto a host. the host is a provider that allows content to be made available online. it's like a big hard drive that the whole internet can access, just like you can access your computer's hard drive at home.
4. person finds the address to that file that's been uploaded to the server. that address is the URL that SiN is talking about
5. person inserts that address into a piece of code that allows it to be hotlinked to wherever you want it to be displayed - that's the IMG code blocks that SiN is talking about
6. picture is displayed online, parties ensue, celebration commences, and perhaps fornication is acheived.
does that spell it out for you dale? i knwo i get a little verbose in my explaination, but i've tried to keep it as simple as possible. if you are still having problems or are still kind've foggy as to what the hell is going on, feel free to continue posting to this thread or to private message (PM) me. click the PM button directly below this text and it'll send you to a page where you can compose a message that will be sent directly to me.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine
Last edited by phredgreen; 06-02-2004 at 08:59 AM..