my two seater car, full tank of gas: $25 premium (sadly, it's required)
my two seater car, full tank of gas in 1998 when i bought it (1991 model): $15...premium grade.
14.7 gallon gas tank, but i can never put in more than 12.5 gallons
Ok, so 66% increase in my gas budget in 7 yrs..that's a bit excessive to me...however, an extra $10 per fill up...ok, it's not gonna KILL me, but yeah, i watch where i drive and i may skip lunch, i could lose a couple pounds..., let's take hypothetical..
my friend..excursion driver...she's..well, wants to be rich, so lives the life w/out making the money...anyway, according to, they have a Fuel-tank capacity/range 44.0 gal/440–484 mi or about 10-12 mpg and that's about what she for her 40 gallons, she gets about 400-450 miles or about 100 miles more than i get for my 12 gallons...
ok...So, by 1998 gas prices here, she would have been paying about $1.05 per regular gallon of gasoline according to the sign in the abandoned gas station across the street.
So, about $42 per gas tank...pretty expensive for me, really, buuutttt, nothing compared to her $70/tank fillup cost now..
So now, instead of being out 2 weeks worth of groceries, she's out 3.5 weeks worth..that's a good bit of an increase adn enough that she honestly has to judge eating vs driving and obvioulsy, she can't stop driving bc she has to get to work in order to make money to decide to spend between eating and driving....
Seriously, though, to jump from $120/month for gas to almost $210 in a VERY short time..that is the part that seems rediculous
It's the huge increase in such a short amount of time. It would be like germany going from $6/gallon to $10/gallon in the same amount of time.
That is what i think most americans are bitching about. If our gas had been $4 throughout the nineties and went to $5, we wouldn't bitch, but to go from $1.05 to $1.89 in a very short time...not cool and that is what is posing a problem to the average family. heck, going from $1.39/gallon to $1.89/gallon in a year seems excessive...I wish i would get a raise like that every it a cost of living increase or some such....