My uncle once worked for Domino's and got robbed no less than 3 times, one of the times he was tied to a chair and beaten nearly to death, even after being cooperative. The guy he was on the job with was even less lucky and is now paralyzed from the waist down because they shot him twice for fun. He got nothing back from the job. Neither did the other guy. Pizza Hut are fucking morons. THEY should give HIM a gun. Complete and utter bullshit, thats like firing a bodyguard for carrying a pistol.
Not all robbers are acting with compassion, mind you. If that's what Pizza Hut think they can go fuck themselves.
I M H O.
EDIT: And for the people who complain about the "celebratory" nature of the death, killing a criminal is not a bad thing. It is a right that people have. If people did not have that right, violent deaths would skyrocket. This was not a murder. A murder is something that can be frowned upon. A killing in self defense should not be celebrated necessarily but at the same time should not be frowned upon.
If you'd rather no one ever died I believe that's your problem.
Your arms are broken!
Last edited by KWSN; 06-01-2004 at 08:20 PM..