so I joined Gold's Gym...
I finally decided to get into shape and joined Gold's gym. My best friend goes there so I figured that we would work out together and I could learn the right way to do things. He's been working out for a long time and is a fairly impressive site to behold.
My wife's advice to me before I went for the first time (Memorial Day-5/31) was, "Don't hurt yourself." Since I usually do hurt myself no matter what I do my pat response is, "I won't. Come on, I'm not stupid." Well...I am stupid.
The workout started slowly enough, the plan was, back and biceps, then 20 minutes of cardio. Sure, great plan. Started with some deadlifts, did 225 with only minor difficulty...all good. We moved through the rest of the back workout pretty smoothly. We got to the bicep workout and I knew what my limits were, but I thought, "What the hell, he's here to help if I get in over my head."
Now, I don't have large biceps so I started with 70 pounds and worked down to 50 pounds. I did a little too much or so says the muscle tear in my left bicep. One set of 70 and two sets of 50 was WAAAAAY to much for me. OOPS!
Anyone have any advice for rehabbing a torn bicep?
BTW-cardio....pfft, cardio is a joke. I barely even felt like I was going to puke....yeah right.
It was like that when I got here....I swear.